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After successful registration of a new user, you will receive on your e-mail your login information and link for the activation of the account. Your user account must be activated before using it for the first time, so you must follow the link in the e-mail message (click on the activation link).

By clicking on the activation link, your account will be activated. Then you can sign in to the user account with your informations.


Message with activation link not received

If you have not received a message with an activation link, check your Spam folders in your e-mail client. If our message is in this folder, mark it as trusted (Not Spam).

Spam folder Gmail Spam folder Hotmail Spam folder Yahoo

If the message is not even in the Spam folder, please let us know on .

Activation unsuccessful

The user account activation link is unique and usable only once. After successful activation, the link is no longer active. If you see this error, your account is already activated successfully. You can sign in with your informations.

We are always available for any additional question on .